Pork Tenderloin Medals with White Mustard Sauce

Pork Tenderloin Medals with White Mustard Sauce 🐷 constituents For the Pork Medals 1 pound boneless, skinless pork sink, cut into 1- inch medalsteaspoon olive oil painting1 tablespoon garlic greasepainttablespoon onion greasepainttablespoon swabtablespoon black pepperFor the White Mustard Sauce mug mayonnaisemug Dijon mustard1 teaspoon bomb juice1 clove garlic, diced/ 4 tablespoon swabtablespoon black pepperInstructions Sear … Read more

Beef Estofado

Beef Estofado constituents 2 lbs( 900g) beef chuck, cut into 1- inch cellssoupspoons olive oil painting1 large onion, dicedlb plum onions or small shallots, hulledgarlic cloves, dicedsoupspoons tomato paste1 can( 14 oz) crushed tomatoesmug red wine gingertablespoon ground cinnamon1 tablespoon dried oreganotablespoon allspice1 bay splint2 mugs beef brothswab and black pepper to tasteFresh parsley for … Read more

Funk Parmesan grilled rubbish sandwich

Funk Parmesan grilled rubbish sandwich constituents2 slices of chuck( your choice, but a sturdy chucklike sourdough works well)• 1 mug cooked funk bone, tattered or sliced• 1/2 mug marinara sauce• 1/2 mug grated Parmesan rubbish• 1/2 mug tattered mozzarella rubbish• 2 soupspoons olive oil painting or adulation• 1/2 tablespoon dried basil( voluntary)• 1/2 tablespoon garlic … Read more

Tropical Pineapple Coconut cutlet

Tropical Pineapple Coconut cutlet This is a dellicious catethat combines the sweet and stimulating flavors of pineapple and coconut. constituents For the cutlet 1 ½ mugs each- purpose flour 1 ½ tsp baking greasepaint ½ tsp baking soda pop ¼ tsp swab ½ mug unsalted adulation, softened 1 mug granulated sugar 2 large eggs 1 … Read more

Manual double Chocolate Cupcakes!!!

Manual double Chocolate Cupcakes!!! constituents For the Chocolate Cupcakes 1 mug each- purpose flour1 mug granulated sugarmug cocoa greasepaint1 tsp baking greasepainttsp baking soda poptsp swabmug vegetable oil painting2 large eggs1 tsp vanilla excerptmug buttermilkmug hot coffeeFor the Chocolate Frosting 1 mug unsalted adulation, room temperature1/2 mugs pulverized sugarmug cocoa greasepaintmug heavy cream1 tsp vanilla … Read more

Lemon Butter Salmon with Crispy Potatoes and Broccoli

Lemon Butter Salmon with Crispy Potatoes and Broccoli 🍋 🐟 🥦 constituents( Serves 4) 4 salmon fillets 🐟1 lb baby potatoes, halved 🥔mugs broccoli florets 🥦3 tbsp adulation 🧈2 tbsp olive oil painting 🛢️2 garlic cloves, diced 🧄Zest and juice of 1 bomb 🍋swab and black pepper, to taste 🧂Fresh parsley, for garnish 🌿 Instructions … Read more

Chocolate cutlet

Chocolate cutlet constituents mugs each- purpose flour 1 mug sugar mug thin cocoa greasepaint 1 tsp baking greasepaint tsp baking soda pop tsp swab 2 large eggs mug milk mug vegetable oil painting 1 tsp vanilla excerpt 1 mug boiling water( or hot coffee for redundant flavor) Instructions

Easy Cream rubbish Pound cutlet

Easy Cream rubbish Pound cutletconstituents 1 ½ mugs adulation( softened)1( 8 ounce) package cream rubbish3 mugs white sugar6 large eggs3 mugs each- purpose flour1 tablespoon vanilla excerptbaking soda popbaking greasepaint Directions Preheat Oven Preheat the roaster to 325 degrees F( 165 degrees C). Grease and flour a 10- inch tube visage. Cream Adulation and Cream … Read more