Honey Lemon Pepper bodies 🍗
- 2 pounds of funk bodies
- 1/3 mug honey
- 1/4 mug bomb juice
- 2 soupspoons olive oil painting
- 1 tablespoon black pepper
- 1 tablespoon garlic greasepaint
- 1 tablespoon onion greasepaint
- 1/2 tablespoon swab
- tang of 1 bomb
-Fresh parsley for garnish
- Preheat your roaster to 400 °F( 200 °C) and line a baking distance with diploma paper.
- In a medium coliseum, mix together honey, bomb juice, olive oil painting, black pepper, garlic greasepaint, onion greasepaint, swab, and bomb tang.
- Place the funk bodies in a large coliseum. Pour the honey- bomb admixture over the bodies and toss to fleece well.
- Arrange the carpeted bodies in a single subcaste on the set baking distance.
- Singe in the preheated roaster for about 40- 45 twinkles, turning them half through, until they’re golden brown and crisp.
- formerly done, let the bodies cool for a many twinkles. mizzle with any leftover honey admixture if asked .
- Garnish with fresh parsley before serving.
Feel free to acclimate the quantum of honey or bomb juice grounded on how sweet or pungent you like it.
These bodies can be served with a side of fresh veggies or your favorite dipping sauce.
Preparation time 10 twinkles| cuisine time 45 twinkles| Total time 55 twinkles| Kcal roughly 300 per serving| Servings 4- 6 servings.